May 11 - Solo Shots For The Fans and One Sole Shot For The Saints In 11-1 Loss

The Saints opened their gates to 3,592 masked fans for the home opener against the Iowa Cubs. Inside the gates fans had the opportunity to get a one-shot Johnson & Johnson vaccine from Cub pharmacists. Fans were social distanced in seats around the ball park for the opener with the usual pomp and ceremony of opening day. Iowa Cubs and St. Paul Saints players lined up along the first and third base lines for the National Anthem during ceremonies. The Saints pitching could have used a shot in the arm but the Cubs pitching was nearly perfect. Iowa pitchers only gave up two hits, one a solo homer, as Cubs beat the Saints 11-1.

Cub pharmacists offered Saints fans the one-shot Johnson & Johnson vaccine at CHS Field prior to the opener.

Cub pharmacists offered Saints fans the one-shot Johnson & Johnson vaccine at CHS Field prior to the opener.

Saints fans were social distanced for the home opener against the Iowa Cubs.

Iowa Cubs and St. Paul Saints players line up for the National Anthem for opening day ceremonies. The Saints lost 11-1.