March 21- Gov. Walz on the Move In & Outside the Capitol - Ends with House & Senate Budget Agreement

Gov. Tim Walz spent the day moving around the Capitol speaking at rallies outside the building and in the rotunda. Gov. Walz also held a ceremonial bill signing and later held a news conference to announce an outline agreement on a two-year budget with legislative leaders in his reception room. The agreement outlines how the $17.8 surplus will spent in years 2023 - 25.

Gov. Tim Walz addresses a rally for Paid Family & Medical Leave in the rotunda.

Leah Riley, a Rochester hospitality worker, along with her son, Riley Altom, rallied for Paid Family & Medical Leave in the rotunda.

Gov. Tim Walz takes a photo with six-month-old Iver Blake and his mother, Shannon, after Gov. Walz addressed a rally for Paid Family & Medical Leave in the rotunda.

Gov. Tim Walz holds a ceremonial bill signing in the Gov. Reception Room. The bill cracks down on catalytic converter theft.

The Bear Runners/Crow Bellecourt drum circle open the Clyde Bellecourt Urban Indigenous Legacy Initiative rally with a welcoming song outside the main doors of the Capitol.

Liberty Green with the Minnesota Women’s Resource Center listens as Sen. Mary Kunesh, the author of a Senate bill that would appropriate $136.4 million to provide critical services to the Twin Cities Native American community, speaks during the Clyde Bellecourt Urban Indigenous Legacy Initiative rally in the rotunda.

Leah Riley, a Rochester hospitality worker, along with her daughteRiley Altom, rallied for Paid Family & Medical Leave in the rotunda.unda.nda.da.a..xteen Twin Cities Native American organizations with $136.4 million in funding to provide critical services to the Twin Cities Native American commud