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June 14 - Special Session 8 - The Halls Are Alive With the Sounds of Session

On June 10, after 440 days, the Capitol building reopened to the public. On June 14, Gov. Tim Walz called the Legislature back to the Capitol to extend the governor’s emergency powers for another 30 days and also to have the legislature complete a $52 billion budget agreements and pass a balanced budget. Minnesota Building Trades workers in hard hats ringed the second floor railing of the rotunda attempting to urge the Legislature to pass the Refinery Safety Bill. The workers were joined in the rotunda by the loud flag waving group Action 4 Liberty who are angry at both DFL Gov. Walz for his emergency powers being extended and at Republican Senate Majority Leader Paul Gazelka for making any budget concessions to the Democrats. After the Senate adjourned on the first day of the special session, Senate Majority Leader Paul Gazelka and Senate Minority Leader Susan Kent held press briefings in a corner of the Senate Chamber. The Senate Leaders discuss the merits of Senate File 22, a bill if passed, that would allow state government to keep operating at current spending levels if no budget agreement can be reached in odd-numbered years by the State’s Constitutional deadline of July 1 . House Minority Leader Kurt Daudt speaks in opposition to extending Gov. Walz’s emergency powers for another 30 days. Minority Leader Daudt’s efforts failed on a 64-68 vote. Legislative leaders in both chambers believe the special session would be 7- 10 days.

The group Action 4 Liberty held a bipartisan protest in front of the Senate Office Building against extending DFL Gov. Tim Walz emergency power and Republican Senate Majority Leader Paul Gazelka making any budget concessions to the Democrats.

A member of the group Action 4 Liberty pounds on the front window of the Senate Office Building to get into the building to demand Senate Majority Leader Paul Gazelka not make any budget concessions to the Democrats.

The House of Representatives meets during the eighth special session to extend Gov. Tim Walz emergency powers and for the legislature to complete a two-year $52 billion budget before July 1 or the state would run out of money to operate.

House Speaker Melissa Hortman passes a resolution to Chief Clerk Patrick D Murphy that would end Gov. Walz emergency powers. The resolution failed 64-68.

A protester holds up her signs in opposition outside the House Chamber to extend Gov. Tim Walz emergency powers another 30 days.

The group Action 4 Liberty are held at the bottom of the steps leading to the Senate Chamber while the legislature convened the special session. The Senate did not take attempt to refuse to grant Gov. Tim Walz an extension of his emergency powers.

Senate Majority Leader Paul Gazelka holds a press briefing in a corner of the Senate Chamber to discuss the merits of SF22. The bill would allow state government to keep operating at current spending levels if no budget agreement can be reached by the State’s Constitutional deadline of July 1 in odd numbered years.

Senate Minority Leader Susan Kent followed majority leader Gazelka’s press briefing to make comments on the merits of SF22.

A lone protester holds his signs toward the Senate Chamber in opposition to extending Gov. Tim Walz emergency powers after the Senate adjourned without taking up the measure to refuse to grant the extension.

Speaker Melissa Hortman listens as House members debate the extension of Gov. Tim Walz emergency powers. The House voted to allow the extension for another 30 days.

1st Assistant Chief Clerk Tim Johnson, right, confers with Chief Clerk Pat Murphy, left, as the House debates refusing to grant an extension of Gov. Tim Walz' emergency powers.

House Minority Leader Kurt Daudt speaks in opposition to any extension of Gov. Walz’s emergency powers.

Minority Leader Kurt Daudt listens as his efforts to end Gov. Tim Walz emergency powers for another 30 days fails on a 64-68 vote.


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