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Jan. 28 - 1st Day Vaccine Lottery - Blaine Pilot Site

My wife, Janine, got an appointment on the first day of the COVID-19 vaccine lottery. Her appointment was at 4PM so we arrived at 3:45 as instructed.

After parking our car we approached the entry for vaccinations and could see that Janine's 4PM appointment would be delayed.

.When we got to the end of the line we discovered that the last person in line had a 2:45 appointment. We headed back to the car to stay warm.

After about a half hour we headed back to see where the 4PM appointments were in line. About half way down this line we found the 4PM spot in the line and waited to get into the building where it was warm.

Once inside, another warmer line where everyone was masked but no social distancing to get to the check in table.

Janine checks in for her vaccination.

.Check in went smoothly and Janine got confirmation for her second shot on Feb.18.

After a brief wait in the room where people received their vaccine, Janine was directed to one of the ten stations.

Janine gets the COVID -19 vaccine and was happy to get the shot even after standing in the cold and the delay of her first appointment.

Fifteen minutes in the waiting room and Janine's first appointment is over.


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