April 24 - Senate GOP Ethics Complaint Against DFL Sen. Nicole Mitchell

The Senate returned to the Capitol after their Passover break to take up a GOP ethics complaint against DFL Sen. Nicole Mitchell. Sen. Mitchell is the one-vote margin needed for a DFL majority in the Senate. It would take a two-thirds vote to remove a member from the Senate.

Sen. Eric Lucero makes a motion for the Ethics Committee to expedite an ethics investigation and consider expulsion against DFL Sen. Nicole Mitchell. Sen. Mitchell had been arrested on felony first degree burglary charges in Detroit Lakes on Monday.

Sen. Nicole Mitchell presents a bill earlier in the session. Sen. Mitchell was arrested earlier in the week after allegedly breaking into her stepmother’s home in Detroit Lakes. Sen. Mitchell, whose stepmother will not speak to her, was attempting to gather some of her late father’s belongings that had sentimental value.

Sen. Nicole Mitchell was not present during the Senate’s floor session, her desk empty (lower right), as members stand after Sen. Steve Drazkowski asked for a division of the Senate on his motion that failed on a voice vote.

Sen. Nick Frentz, an Assistant Majority Leader, tells members there are Senate rules in place that give all members due process and that Sen. Mitchell has the right to defend herself.

Senate Minority Leader Mark Johnson warns members that there could be a cloud over decisions made and votes taken in the closing days of the session.

Sen. Ron Latz, right, confers with Sen. Nick Frentz while the members debate the ethics complaint against Sen. Mitchell.

Sen. Eric Lucero watches as the President of the Senate, Bobby Joe Champion, reads the motion for an expedited hearing of the Ethics Committee before members cast their votes. On a 33-33 vote the motion failed.

Senate Assistant Majority Leader Nick Frentz confers with Senate Majority Leader Erin Murphy immediately after the Senate rejected an expedited ethics hearing on Sen. Nicole Mitchell.

Sen. Majority Leader Erin Murphy is surrounded by members of the press after the Senate took up a motion for an expedited Ethics Committee hearing on a Republican complaint against Sen. Mitchell. The Senate debated and rejected the expedited hearing on a 33-33 vote.