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20170525 Special Session Adjourned Sine Die

A lone protester stands outside the House’s Chamber with his sign that reads, “Start Over – Veto Everything”, but he didn’t get his way as the legislature reach a compromise on a $46 billion budget and adjourned the Special Session sine die around 3 A.M. Friday, May 25.

20170523 Special Session - The First 24 Hours

The statue of Gov. Floyd B. Olson is silhouetted against the Capitol as the first twenty-four hours of the Special Session goes into the evening.

20170522 Last Day of the 2017 Legislative Session

20170517 In & Out Bargaining - Day at the Capitol

Storm clouds can be seen through a circular window on the third floor of the Capitol.

20170511 Statehood Day

Sixth grade students from Clearwater-Wakonia get a look at Minnesota’s two State Constitutions in a display cast off the rotunda. The Democrats signed a blue copy and the Republicans signed a white copy of a compromise document. In October 1857 voters approved the constitution.  On May 11, 1858 Minnesota became the 32nd state in the union.

20170506 Standoff at the Capitol

A group that supports the rights of whites stood in a line on one side of the plaza while on the other side an anti-Trump group held the steps of the Capitol. State Troops took up a position between the two groups. Inside the Capitol a peaceful Trump Triumph rally in the rotunda was taking place.

20170501 Keeping Connected

Senate Minority Leader Tom Bakk, right, confers with Senate Majority Leader Paul Gazelka, center and leadership assistant Matthew Steele, left, in the basement of the Capitol.

20170501 MERRY MAY DAY - Day Without Immigrants Rally

A participant in the Day Without Immigrants shows his youthful enthusiasm during a heavy snowfall after a rally in the Capitol Rotunda.

20170420 Day at the Capitol

Minnesota NORML held their day at the Captiol calling for the legislature to take action to end cannabis prohibition in our state by supporting HF 926 and HF 927.

201712-17 Legislative Easter Break In Washington DC

The Apotheosis of Washington

20170406 Enbridge Line 3 Oil Pipeline Protest

Ana Quad, Cloud Women, right, sings as the SouthSide Ramblers, left, drum prior to a news conference of concerned citizens, Indigenous leaders and legislators in opposition to changes to pipeline permitting in the Omnibus Energy Bill before the House of Representatives.

20170404 Day at the Capitol

20170329 Muslim Day at the Capitol

20170322 Day at the Capitol

House Speaker Kurt Daudt grabs-hold of the podium when he was told of Gov. Dayton’s claim that the Speaker would be overspending with his tax, reinsurance and roads proposed bills. Speaker Daudt’s reaction came during a news conference to announce the House Republicans omnibus tax relief bill. Also attending the news conference are, from left, House Majority Leader Joyce Peppin, Rep. Steve Drazkowski, chairman House Property Tax Division and Rep. Greg Davids, chairman of the House Taxes Committee.

20170306 Day at the Capitol

Visitors to the Capitol take a look at the portrait of Gov. Alexander Ramsey the second governor of Minnesota. Portraits of the governors have begun to be hung again in the Capitol as part of the Capitol Restoration Project.