2018 Legislative Session
Feb. 20 - Opening Day
Feb. 22 - Protect MN Rally
Feb. 28 - Budget & Economic Forecast
March 1 - Firearms Bill
March 7 - Day at the Capitol
March 14 - State of the State Address
March 24 - March For Our Lives
March 29 - Day at the Capitol
March 31 - Rally for Our Gun Rights
April 12 - Day at the Capitol
April 20 - Nationwide Student Rallies Against Gun Violence - Minnesota
April 24 - 24-Hour Sit-In
April 25 - House Republican Tax Conformity Bill
April 26 - Senate Omnibus Supplemental Budget Bill - Two Gun Prevention Amendments
April 26 - Lobbyists Stay Connected
May 2 - Senate Republican Tax Bill
May 2 - Water Action Day - First Nation Portrait
May 2 - Water Action Day Rally
May 2 - Enlightening Talk?
May 10 - Minnesota Senate Building Going Green
May 10 - Reflected Light