June 8 - The Cafesjian Art Trusts - Highlights of the Collection Exhibit

“Security Guard Seated” by Marc Sinan welcomes visitors before entering the “Highlights of the Collection” exhibit. (this is NOT a real person)
“Highlights of the Collection” is the newest exhibit a select few from the Cafesjian Art Trust’s 3,500 fine art and decorative pieces. Some of the exhibit’s examples are by familiar names in the art world, but also includes names not as well known. This eclectic exhibit on display until Oct. 14 at the the Cafesjian Art Trust located at 4600 Churchill St. in Shoreview. Reservations are required to view this art exhibit and can be obtained by going to: cafesjianarttrust.org.

Museum docent, Maggie Rosine guides a group through the “Highlights of the Collection” exhibit at the Cafesjian Art Trust Museum.

A collection of glass perfume bottles and other artifacts.

“Theme and Variations” by Peiro Fornasetti

“Contacts III” by Stanislav Libensky & Jaroslava Brychtova

“Pantheon IX”, left, by Sam Gilliam and “Vessel”, right, by Lino Tagliapietra

“Chief” by Richard Jilley

“Box-O-Fries”, right, by John Miller - “Pears”, left, by Joey Kirkpatrick & Fora C. Mace

The spacious exhibit gallery allows visitors to move easily around the exhibit.

“Good Morning City”, left, by Friedensreich Hundertwasser - “Hercules”, center, Petr Hora - “Seated Nudes”, right, by George Grosz

“Blues, left, by Ann Wolff & “Houses”, right, by Jennifer Bartlett

“Gate of Illusion” by Michael Pavlik

Museum visitors view “Game Control” by Victor Rodriguez after their tour. Visitor are welcome to move around the exhibit after their tour for a closer look.

A visitor peers through the piece “K1” by Vlastimil Beranek.

“Untitled” by Mary Ann “Toots” Zynsky

The yellow glass sculpture, “Reach” by Vladimir Klumpar and a museum visitor point the way to other pieces in the exhibit.

“Suspended Artifact: Mask with Quiver” by William Morris

“Untitled”, left, by Sam Francis - “Zeppo”, center, by Albert Young - “Seascape”, right, by Frederick Judd Waugh

“Untitled” by Therman Statom begins a row of exhibit pieces.

Museum visitors are welcome to move around or sit and observe pieces in the exhibit.